For Youth
Do you ever feel like you're not quite fitting in?
Or you're not quite measuring up? Being a young person can be stressful. You are at an exciting time in your life.
So many changes are happening and you are making more and more decisions about your life. Together, we will set goals and plans that are unique to you so you can believe in yourself, be yourself and stand up for yourself.
Identity & Self-worth
Feeling awkward or embarrassed
Focused on pleasing others
Struggling with gender & sexuality
Feeling left out
Struggling with confidence & self-worth
Personal & Relationships
Struggling at school (school refusal)
Struggling with family or friends
Feeling tired or frustrated
Distracted & Unmotivated
Emotions & Thoughts
Worry & Anxiety
Sadness & Depression
Loneliness & Isolation
Struggling with loss
Struggling with transition or change

Counselling can help you...
Have self-acceptance & self-compassion
Feel more secure and comfortable with who they are
Have healthy relationships
Have relief from internal struggles
Feel more at ease
Develop coping skills and resilience
Enhance Courage
Develop persistence or grit
Feel deeply heard & understood in a safe and supportive setting

You can discover that you...
Have the strengths, skills and knowledge
to cope with life's challenges
Know what is possible and what is important for you
Know ways to make choices to live towards
what is important to you
You may have tried many things to feel better and to feel safe.
I would love to meet you and help you with
what you are struggling with.
You can't stop the waves,
but you can learn to surf.
The Mindful Teen Groups
Mindfulness is paying attention to the here and now with kindness, curiosity and non-judgment.
Do you ever feel like you are so busy being in “doing” mode? Rushing from place to place –
to school, to home, to practice, to meeting up with friends? It can be stressful being a teen!
The good news is there are things you can do to stay calm, no matter what stresses come along.
In this course, you will learn simple and effective ways to help quiet the mind.
Increase Calmness
Decrease Stress
Reduce Fatigue
Improve Social Skills
Reduce Interpersonal Problems
Reduce Anxiety
In this course, we learn and practice how to
strengthen inner resources for coping and become more balanced by being more mindful.